2012년 12월 13일 목요일

Houdini Rendering Expressions in filenames


You can insert expressions into file name parameters that Houdini will evaluate when it goes to read or write the file. The most common use for this is to include $F in the render output filename so each frame’s output file is numbered and the output files don’t overwrite each other.
For example, mine$F.pic produces filenames mine1.pic, mine2.pic, mine3.pic, and so on.
Note that if you need to “protect” the variable from surrounding letters, you can use the form ${F}. For example, if you want an F after the frame number, you can’t use frame$FF.pic, because $FF is a variable name. In this case, you would use frame${F}F.pic, which would give you frame1F.pic, frame2F.pic, and so on.

Useful variables

$F Current frame number.
$FF Current fractional frame number. This comes into play when Houdini is calculating sub-frame motion for motion blur.
$N Number of input/output files counter. This is not related to the frame number. It’s the number of frames Houdini has read/written/rendered so far, when it processes multiple files.
For example, if you render frames 10-15, $N will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
$T Current time.
$SF Current simulation timestep number. For saving files in dynamics simulations, such as simulation state, use $SF instead of $F. For each value of $F, a simulation may calculate several substeps, so if you use $F you may have several sub-frames overwrite the same file. $SF is equal to $ST (simulation time) divided by $TIMESTEP (simulation time step size).
$ST Current simulation time.
$OS Current node name.
When rendering fields, the integer frame number ($F) for both frame 5.0 and 5.5 will 5. Therefore, to have unique filenames, use $N or $FF instead. The disadvantage of using $FF is possible binary-to-decimal arithmetic errors causing $FF to have a value like 31.99999. The disadvantage of using $N is that it not related to frame numbers, it only counts the number of frames rendered. So if you render frames 1-10, and then render 11-20, the second batch would overwrite the first.

Leading zeros

To generate leading zeros before the frame number, put a non-zero digit after $F. This will generate frame numbers with that many digits. For example, mine$F3.pic produces filenames mine001.pic, mine002.pic, mine003.pic, and so on.
You can also use the padzero expression function, see below.

Advanced expressions

For anything beyond simple variable substitution, you can enclose a full expression inside backticks.
For example, you may want the filename to increment with the frame number, but be offset by a certain number. You can use a filename with an embedded expression inside backticks like
This will number the files by the current frame number + 12. This produces filenames MyImage13.pic, MyImage14.pic, MyImage15.pic, ...
You can use expression functions within the backquoted expression, such as padzero.
frame`padzero(5, $F)`.pic
...giving you filenames frame00001.pic, frame00002.pic, frame00003.pic, and so on.


  • To store images in directories based on image resolution, use a path like Pics${W}x${H}/$F.pic. In this example, rendering frame 1 at 800 by 600 resolution creates the file 1.pic in directory Pics800×600.
  • To include the name of the current operator in a filename (for example, in the name of a Z-depth map you want to include the name of the light in the filename), use $OS. For example, $OS_$F.pic produces filenames light1_1.pic, light1_2.pic, light1_3.pic, ...
  • Do NOT use a hyphen to separate the frame number from the name (for example frame-$F.pic). MPlay will interpret the resulting filenames (frame-1.pic, frame-2.pic, frame-3.pic, and so on) as containing negative frame numbers (-1, -2, -3, ...).
  • Avoid using spaces in filenames. Although most operating systems support them, many software packages (including Houdini!) sometimes assume that filenames don’t have spaces, and this can cause a lot of trouble. Use CamelCase or under_scores instead.

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